Monday, 25 November 2013

Performance analysis

I came across this studio video, by Parkway Drive. They do not follow the same genre structure as Pop Punk, but as far as studio performances are concerned, genre guidelines are irrelevant.

It shows exactly what a studio video requires. The editing of the video is appropriate, and the shot variety is fantastic. It shows all sorts of miscellaneous shots to introduce the video; tuning pegs, guitar amps and shots of them talking. It's perfectly cut to the beat, switching from mid to long shot on the bell cymbal at the intro.

The video is filmed in perfect grey-scale to give it a smooth, but metallic and shiny finish; the lighting is strong and everything is deliberately contrasting to match the black and white editing.

It doesn't show them as anything out of the ordinary when it comes to playing. They're not throwing themselves around like they would on stage, because the extra energy isn't required, and instead channelled through playing. This is why studio videos work so well; they show the determination that goes in to creating their music. This is an element I have tried to achieve through my video.

As for the colour finish, I'm not sure whether high contrast or grey scale is what my video would require, but I certainly aspire to have a music video as well-polished and as smooth as Parkway Drive have.

1 comment:

  1. Good post with some careful comments on technical aspects and how you want to use in own video. Also relates shot, movement, mise-en-scene and editing to genre.
